Ways to Avoid the Friendzone

There are a lot of people trying to get into a relationship and some of them succeed and some not. This is usually based on the way the relationship evolves. This can go either way especially when you do not discuss feelings from the first time you’ve met. It is very easy to get friend zoned and it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman. 

Here are some tips that can help you get out of the friend zone or for that matter to avoid it from the beginning. 

Talk about your feelings

If you are willing to start a relationship with someone and want to avoid friend zone, is better for you to think about this during the first days when you start hanging out. If you keep your feelings for yourself you are actually sending all the wrong messages to the other person. He or she will not know how you feel and they will take it as if you want to stay friends forever. So, if you want to have the opportunity of getting into a relationship with the person you might consider your best friend now, get confident and tell them about your feelings. 

Be there when they need you

Whenever there is something happening in this person’s life, you have to be there. Just go a give them company and show them compassion and they will realize that you are much more than a friend. Whenever in such a situation, people can end up discovering the fact that they might actually have feelings for each other. This will change the whole way the relationship has evolved and then people start realizing that they can be much more than that. 

Get flirty

Whenever going out with this person or whenever you are trying to get them to become something else, try going flirty with them. Always flirt in a discreet way so that it is obvious that you like them but you are not trying to force it. Just act casual and when the timing is right, throw some flirtatious remarks their way and see how they react. If they respond the same way, they might actually like you back and you might take it as a sign for something else. 

Ask this person out

If you want to keep out of the friend zone and see where you are situated regarding the relationship, you can actually ask that person out. This way you make it clear to them how you feel and what you want out of your relationship. You can determine as well how the relationship is evaluating and if there is any potential and if the other person is opened to start a serious relationship with you. 

Show interest

This is one of the most important. Always show interest for the person that you are into. If you keep it for yourself, you might end up being hurt. Always remember that the other one has no way to know if you say nothing.